Burly Knee Caps Shop

The Brand

As a skater, there is nothing that you should be more worried about than your knees. Burly Caps creates replaceable caps for your safety gear to ensure that you get the best protection a happy skater could ask for. Their plastics are made to last, and in fact, do last way longer than those caps that are made with injection-molded plastic. Regardless of how much you fall, you can depend on the Burly caps to protect you. Whether you fall on concrete, skatelite, masonite, or birch ply, these knee pads will outlast any other knee pads and perhaps even outlast your knees.


Here you will find their iconic Smith Scabs replacement caps and the 187 Pro replacement caps. It is simply a no-brainer cop if you do not like being too bruised the day after a skate session.

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